Frank Somma

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#1011 OH BEHAVE!

I have goals. I imagine you do as well. I choose not to focus on them most of the time.

That may sound counterintuitive so let me explain.

I have a goal to book X amount of speaking gigs this year. As I begin my day, I’m not focused on the goal; I’m focused on the next call.

The goal for the year is daunting, and staring up at it can be paralyzing. Instead, I think about what actions I can take at the beginning of the month that will get me closer to the goal. Perhaps I have to research a list or organize my CRM. Maybe I have to meet with my coach to refine what markets I pursue. It could be that I have all that in place, and I need to focus on how many outbound calls I will make for the month. Then each week, I think about what part of that month’s plan I can knock out this week. Each day, I look only at the plan for the week. Not the month nor the year, just the week.

We have to have goals, but our behaviors will determine whether or not we meet those goals.

If I have a fitness goal to be in my best shape by June, isn’t it best to focus on what exercise I can do today?

All of the focused todays will get me to the big goals tomorrow.

It’s like being up at bat. My focus is on the next pitch, not the scoreboard. Staying focused on the nest pitch is the best way to influence the scoreboard.

Remember, it is always better to do a little a lot than to do a lot a little. It’s an apple a day…not 30 apples on the last day of the month.

Set big hairy audacious goals. Then break them down into months, weeks, and days and walk that journey to glory.

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