
Business Development During Disruptive Times and Beyond

What do you do when the world hits you with a major disruption? How do you sell during a time when sales calls feel insensitive and inappropriate? Yet, even during challenging times some people and businesses not only survive, but emerge even stronger. You gain tacit permission to do business while others are being stopped at the gate.

You Build Great relationships and Cement Long Term Loyalty.

What do 9/11, the recession of 08, Hurricane Sandy, and the COVID-19 pandemic have in common? They all stopped “business as usual”. Yet some people and businesses survive and emerge even stronger. Those salespeople, CEO’s and managers who understand the nuances of relationships are able to navigate through the rubble, remain in business, and come out of the fray stronger.

I teach those Nuances.

I am a sales and communications expert.

I am a certified practitioner of NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the same communication science that made Tony Robbins famous. I’m passionate about helping business people learn the communication secrets that create instant rapport, great relationships, and customers for life. My personal presentation style is highly motivational and allows me to get through to groups in varied industries from CEOs to brand new salespeople. I deliver techniques that are quickly absorbed and immediately usable. Your attendees with walk away feeling confident they can find and close more sales, build better relationships and hold on to existing talent and clients.

Whether we’re we are in challenging times or a juggernaut economy, these techniques work ALWAYS!

Showdown: AI vs. Social Capital

With the burgeoning ubiquity of AI what is the one thing we can do better than it can?

Make deep and meaningful human connections.

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and it is incredibly useful!  As it grows and continues to replace cashiers, delivery drivers, and even some surgeons, don’t let it replace you. 

Frank uses his 30+ years of selling, and sales leadership, his lifelong study and curation of scores of human tendencies, and his degree in NLP to show you ways to set yourself apart and thrive alongside new and ever-changing technologies.


Communicate with Charisma

You’ve met charismatic people.  Great leaders, great managers, and great salespeople.  We watch as they’re almost always welcomed with open arms regardless of what room they’re walk into. What is it about them?  What do they do so differently that the world seems to open up and smile at them?  Charisma is enigmatic, yet, as Justice Potter Stewart famously said of obscenity, “I may not be able to define, but I know it when I see it.”

Becoming likable, trustworthy, respected, and relied upon (increasing your charisma) is a learned skill.  It’s understanding what the essence of connection is and how to sincerely build strong relationships and loyalty among customers, employees, partners, and suppliers. Frank uses his degree in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) his own exhaustive research, and 35+ years in various corporate and non-profit leadership roles to break down effective communication into its various components and teach them to you.

Spike Sales

As a certified practitioner of NLP, my training centers around the belief that people do business with people they like and with people they trust. The focus in this workshop is on developing the sales gene which means learning to be more engaging, persuasive, trustworthy, and professional. I do this by combining the rapport and communications science of NLP with 35+ years of my own sales and sales learning.

I do a series of several workshops over a period of time. Some of the subjects I cover are:

  • Instant rapport

  • Staying connected

  • Common rapport mistakes

  • Listening

  • Questioning; types and timing

  • Calibrating facial and body cues

  • Overcoming objections

  • Negotiating

  • Professional sales acumen

  • Personal responsibility

  • Networking

  • Staying motivated

  • The Sommatization of the logical selling process