#927 Count Your Blessings (WINS!)

Literally, count your wins.  I coach individuals and a few groups as well and I send a check-in form that they complete before each coaching meeting.

The first item on the form is, “Give me three wins from this week.”  When we begin the call, the top of the agenda is to name and expand on those wins.

Let me tell you why.

Self-talk can contaminate performance

To teach us to do well, save us embarrassment, and prepare us for the hard knocks ahead, the majority of influencers in our lives have, unceasingly, pointed out what we do wrong.  I know your Mom hung your crayon drawings on the fridge and took you for ice cream when you got an A in spelling.  But day in and day out, parents, teachers, coaches, and bosses spent most of their time correcting you.

Many, (in a misguided attempt to help you improve) did it with the tact of Gordan Ramsey.  We developed this self-talk, self-doubt, and self-criticism by way of the constant critiques stacked onto our nascent brains.

Because of this, our self-talk is overwhelmingly negative.

Naming wins and talking about them is a game-changer.  It forces us to look back at the week, and rather than self-flagellate over what wasn’t done, we can celebrate what was done well.  It changes our perspective and makes us more productive going forward.

Sales is a mental game.  Setting our heads is vital to success.  Correction and critique have their place, but because they seem to flow naturally, we intentionally need to bring our wins forward in our minds.

Own Your Sales Gene…

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