#1009 God, But I Love People!

First off, BIG LOVE to Michigan Big I and all of the people I met at the convention and trade show!

You could not have been more friendly, attentive, and welcoming. Thank you!


I’ve shared this great quote before, but here it is again as a reminder.

Email will get it off your desk, but it won’t get it done.
— Anthony Stears

Business development people pay close attention here. In a recent study out of Cornell University, Professor Vanessa Bohns backed Anthony up in spades. The study showed that audio or video calls are 87% effective vs. email at 13% when making a request. Imagine that!

If you want something from someone, email is not even close to phone calls or video meetings in getting that request filled. But as they say on late-night infomercials, Wait! There’s more! In a subsequent study, audio and video calls were only 33% effective vs. making that request in person, which was 67% effective. Think about this for a moment. Absorb it. 


Asking for something in person is exponentially more effective than sending an email for that same request. I love it when science validates what the best of us knows and do every day. 


People do business with PEOPLE. B2B is Really P2P! (Hmmm, that has a ring to it!)


I cannot over-emphasize the effectiveness of human contact. Pick up the phone, send a Zoom invitation or go for a visit. Email is terrific for having a written record, passing along information, or confirming a transaction or appointment. It’s great for sending out agendas and meeting notes, and it works well to connect project participants with action lists and notes.

But when it comes to getting what you want, remember it’s personal, scientifically proven, emphatically, effectively, personal.


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